Common Mistakes Made By Car Accident Victims

Common Mistakes Made By Car Accident Victims

When you have an accident due to the negligence of another, your action determines whether you will be able to receive fair compensation.  In the confusion or uncertainty after the accident, auto accident victims often make mistakes that prevent them from receiving fair compensation from the negligent driver. Here are some of the common mistakes made by auto accident victims:

Not Making a Phone Call to the Police

Not calling the police to the scene of the accident may be negative for your case. Police collect all the evidence regarding who did what. The Police take statements from witnesses, photograph the scene, talk to observers and prepare a crash report. This report helps in determining liability. You should call the police if the other party is not doing so.

Statements at the scene

Do not make statements that you will later regret.  You may not realize it but all the things you say can negatively impact your case. It’s best to consult an auto accident lawyer.

Not Accumulating any Evidence from the Event

Police officers will be collecting evidence from the scene.  You should also make sure to accumulate any evidence that you have seen with your eyes. You should take photographs, film any witnesses you think are important and record the statement of the other party.

Not Getting Checked by the Doctor

If you sustained injuries, see a doctor ASAP.  Documented injuries/evaluations will help you in claiming compensation for your damages.

Getting A Reliable Lawyer to Handle your case

The insurance company will try to give you a nominal sum for your injuries.  You should retain a reliable Auto Accident lawyer to handle your claim/lawsuit. Your lawyer will ensure that you receive appropriate and fair compensation.

Do Not Wait too long before you make a claim or File suit

There are different legal requirements in every state. Consult with your lawyer.  Do not leave matters to chance or guess.

Be Confident and comfortable

Try to remain confident throughout the case. Tell the full story to your lawyer. The truth is easy to tell!

Mistakes can be prevented. Having the knowledge and awareness of what must be done is crucial to make sure that you’ll be properly compensated. If you need help, schedule a consultation with an experienced lawyer at Carl P. Kasunic Co., LPA.