23 Mar Social Security Disability Application FAQ’s
What are Social Security Disability Insurance benefits? SSDI, known as SSD, is a Social Security Disability program that pays monthly benefits to you should you become disabled prior to reaching retirement age and are unable to work. By working in a full-time capacity and paying federal taxes, such as FICA through your employer, you earn “work credits.” Work credits do not last forever – rather, they expire after a number of years. Accumulating these work credits provides you with “insured status,” or eligibility to collect SSDI benefits, provided your disability begins prior to the date your credits expire. Showing the presence of your disabling conditions and disability as a whole prior to the expiration of your credits will result in an approval of your application for SSD benefits.
Is there a criteria for SSD application and approval?
If you have been diagnosed with an ongoing medical condition that affects your ability to work, then you’ve probably thought about applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Under Federal Law, your condition must last at least twelve (12) months or pose a threat of imminent death to possess the necessary severity to be considered disabling. Additionally, your disability must not only prevent you from performing any of your past work, but your conditions and associated symptoms must also prevent you from performing other jobs available in the national economy. Factors such as your age, education, and skills created through previous jobs may affect eligibility.
An application for SSD benefits can take multiple years to reach its conclusion. During this time your application is reviewed multiple times by the Social Security Administration, and, if denied after the initial review and secondary review (also known as “Reconsideration), will be presented before an Administrative Law Judge at a hearing. Due to the significant number of individuals filing for SSD benefits each year, the vast majority of applications are denied upon initial review and again upon reconsideration – resulting in the majority of applications being heard before a Judge. Often times the period of time between the initial application and final adjudication by the Judge can last more than two years.
Do I need a Social Security Disability Attorney?
Hiring an experienced attorney with experience in representing SSD claimants is not required to apply for SSD benefits, however, doing so can be vital to assuring your application is presented in the most favorable light to the Social Security Administration. Additionally, working with an experienced attorney will assure your application and claim is in compliance with any and all procedural requirements and deadlines, such as deadlines to file appeals and properly submit medical evidence. Finally, working with an experienced attorney will allow your claim to be presented in the most effective way before a Judge.
If you are looking to hire a disability attorney, look no further than Kasunic Law. Our experienced Disability Benefits Attorneys are well-versed in the process, procedure, and tactics designed to create the most favorable outcome in each individual case. Our entire team is working tirelessly to seek to protect our clients’ rights and interests and seek out the most favorable outcomes in every case. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced Disability Benefits attorneys today!